Thursday, October 4, 2012
Pumpkin Power!
Ahhhhh.....My good friend Autumn is back! A time when those in the Northern States are beginning to enjoy the fresh, crisp, cool, clean air of a new season. (No crisp cool air for me, I live in hot humid sunny South Florida and loving every minute of it) But I have my Michigan memories of Autumn that always draws a smile to my face as I sit back and reminise of those leaves changing color and pumpkin patches that spread wildly across backyards and farmers fields.
Speaking of color, pumpkins as you know are a beautiful bold orange color that not only looks great in any decor setting but what you may not know is that the color itself is God's way of giving you a hint that this wonderful sphere of eye catching beauty is more than decor.... Its healthy!
Your table decoration/Jack O lantern is loaded with an important antioxidant called beta-carotene. When you eat your pumpkin instead of stabbing it...O, I mean carving it, your body turns this beta carotene into vitamin A. One cup of pure pumpkin puree straight out of the can has an amazing 310% of your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamin A and only 80 calories.
Did you know they are 90% water? And that eating this pure pumpkin puree straight out of the can has less than 1 gram of fat, 19 grams of carbs, and 0 Cholesterol? And that you get 20% of the RDA of Vitamin C and for good measure you get a splash of protein weighting in a 2.4 grams!
Remember the 310% of your RDA of Vitamin A I just told you about? Well it gets even better.... That beta carotene in the Vitamin A helps to reduce certain types of cancer, lowers the risk of heart disease, and if you're someone who enjoys eating the pumpkin seeds you get the added benefit of reducing your risk of prostrate cancer, unless you're a women then no worries in that department just eat them because you love them. But whether you're a man or a women, don't forget to look for pumpkin seed butters as another delicious way to integrate pumpkin seeds into your diet.
(Note To Self: In order to get the most nutrition from pumpkin seeds you should eat them raw. Although roasting the seeds does increase the flavor it actually decreases the nutritional benefits somewhat. If you must roast your pumpkin seeds it is best to use as low a heat setting as possible for the least amount of time. If you don't give a rip about the seeds nutrition then do what I do and salt them with extreme joy and crisp them up to an almost burnt crunch and inhale by the hand full..LOL..)
On a more serious note, eating pumpkin also invites our good O friend fiber to enter our system and is responsible for keeping our bowels healthy which no one wants to talk about butt is a necessity. (Butt..LOL...all pun intended) Inside your incredible edible pumpkin you also get some zinc to enhance your immune system and fatty acids which are vital for your over all good health.
Most people probably think of the pumpkin as vegetable? But believe it or not a pumpkin is considered one of the fruits of the gourd family. It's a fruit because it's a fleshy plant that has seeds in it and comes from a flower. I guess this explains why canned pumpkin is found with all the other canned fruit in the grocery store. But an even bigger surprise is that the pumpkin is considered a berry. Whoa! That's one huge freeekin berry.
I have my own homemade recipe to infuse this beautiful orange fruit into my diet. Its called:
* There are no exact measurements because I've never been the type of person who likes to be stuck in a box. Relax and add the ingredients, and be sure to do plenty of tasting along the way...Because we all know life is better when when you are free to taste it along the way. :)
1.) 1 can of pure pumpkin puree. (or more if you go crazy like I do when adding these next ingredients)
2.) Seeds, Seeds, Seeds and more Seeds... I always have plenty of Chia, Pumpkin, Sunflower & Ground Flax seed on hand but you can use anything you have in the house. The more the merrier I always say.)
3.) I like to add Walnuts but any nut will do.
4.)Wheat Germ (I used the honey roasted)
5.) Honey (squeeze and drizzle until the pumpkin taste sweet to your liking)
6.) Raisins (A few hand fulls)
7.) 1 or 2 Apples which ever kind you prefer when making an apple pie. (chopped them up small.)
8.) Pumpkin Pie Spice (enough to make your taste buds think they are eating a pumpkin pie.)
A.) Empty pumpkin into a large bowl.
B.) Mix in all the seeds, nuts, wheat germ, raisins & apples.
(*taste bud caution*...the mixture wont taste overly inviting until after you add the honey and spice)
C.) Go as crazy as you like with the honey and pumpkin pie spice. (squeeze, sprinkle, taste & repeat)
D.) Eat and enjoy now or cover and put in fridge.
OOO P.S. Just a little extra fun info for you. Did you know that the Colonists sliced off pumpkin tops, removed seeds and filled the insides with milk, spices and honey? This was baked in hot ashes and is the origin of pumpkin pie. If anyone ever wants to know where you heard that you can tell them you heard it from a health scientist. (wink wink)
Sunday, May 20, 2012
CHIA Love What You Do To Me!
The Chia seed is considered a "super food" and is a member of the sage family. "Chia" is actually the Mayan word for strength and this ancient culture used these little black and white seeds as a mega-energy food for their running messengers because it gave them an incredible 'sustaining' surge of energy.
Chia seeds are said to have:
2 times the protein of any other seed or grain,
5 times the calcium of milk, plus boron which is a trace mineral that helps transfer calcium into your bones,
2 times the amount of potassium as bananas,
3 times the reported antioxidant strength of blueberries
3 times more iron than spinach
and an abundant amount of omega 3 and omega 6, which are essential fatty acids.
(Whole Chia Seed contains 2282 mg of Omega 3 and contains 752 mg of Omega 6)
(Whole Chia Seed contains 2282 mg of Omega 3 and contains 752 mg of Omega 6)
2 to 3 Tablespoons a day will provide all the omega 3 your body needs.
The Chia seed is also a huge source of soluble fiber and is a complete source of protein which provides ALL the essential amino acids needed in an easily digestible form.
The Chia seed is also a huge source of soluble fiber and is a complete source of protein which provides ALL the essential amino acids needed in an easily digestible form.
Chia seeds are a lot like Flax seeds except they have one advantage over flax and that is that they have a much higher antioxidant content which means they stay fresh for much longer then flax seed. You can substitute chia in any recipe that calls for flax.
Chia Seeds are a Dieter's Dream Food because when they are added to food or drink they bulk up.
These tiny, healthy seeds can be made to taste like whatever you want, and their unique gelling action keeps you feeling full for hours. When Chia seeds are soaked in liquids or foods they increase in size. They get a slippery outer gel coating around it, sort of like the feel of a tapioca bead but much smaller or a tomato seed like texture. When Chia is soaked in your food it bulks up your food which means when you eat a typical serving size you are actually only consuming about half the calories you might have eaten, because the food has been bulked up with the Chia seed that has increased its size and weight. Since the gel around the seed is made of water, it has no calories and because the gel is difficult to remove from the seed, it helps your body feel full without adding calories!
(soaked chia seeds with gel surrounding the seed)
Here's a quick little experiment to help you understand the action of a Chia seed:

Researchers believe this same gel-forming phenomenon takes place in your stomach when food containing these gummy fibers are eaten. The gel that is formed in your stomach creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down.
Personaly I like to premix a cup of water with 2 or 3 tablespoons of Chia seeds and refridgerate them over night. The next day all I have to do is scoop out some Chia gel seeds and mix it with my food to bulk it up so I eat less of a portion than usual.
Check out these other awesome benefits:
Chia Seeds Provides energy, Boosts strength,
strengthens Endurance, they Level out your blood sugar levels because they slow the impact of sugars on your system if eaten at the same time which means the energy from your food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance.
The Chia "gel" that forms around the seed after it soaks up liquid or food that I told you about earlier actually creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, which means that it slows the conversion of carbs into sugar. Again, meaning the energy from your food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance.
Think of the Chia seed as a dry sponge until water is added. The Chia seed can hold 9-12 times it's weight in water and it absorbs it very rapidly - absorption starts in under 10 minutes but as stated above, 30 minutes or more results in more absorption. Dry seeds on a salad or rolled over a banana are also a great way to enjoy the crunch of these wonder seeds.
Because it is exceptional at water-absorption it can actually help you prolong hydration and retain electrolytes, especially during exercise or hard labor.
Because it is exceptional at water-absorption it can actually help you prolong hydration and retain electrolytes, especially during exercise or hard labor.
And because Chia seeds bulk up when in liquid, they also work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through your intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. Many people find they become more regular when they eat chia.
Chia is reported to be beneficial in:
weight loss/balance
thyroid conditions
celiac disease
acid reflux and
lowering cholesterol.
As mentioned above, chia will absorb anything and the longer the seeds are left to soak, the more their nutrients will be readily available to you. Some people like to soak them over night in milk and mix it into oatmeal in the morning. You dont have to wait that long if you are in a hurry. You could just sprinkle some over a salad, yogurt, or on peanut butter toast. You could even add some to soup or smoothies. The possabilities are endless!
P.S. It has been MY experence that when I eat Chia in my evening snack I tend not be tired until around 3 or 4 am....So note to self, "enjoy Chia benifits eariler in the day"
I've said it once and I'll say it again........"CHIA Love What You Do To Me!"
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Antioxidants vs Free Radicals (FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!)
What the heck are an Antioxidants and Free Radicals? And why are they fighting?
First let me introduce you to the players and what they stand for.
In society everyone knows what a radical is. You may picture someone who is free to cause damage to society in order to get their point of view across. But too many of these free radicals can do great harm to our society by appearing in large numbers causing it to no longer function in a healthy way.
Our bodies do have some free radicals that arise normally during metabolism and sometimes our body's immune system even purposefully creates them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. But the problem comes when too many of these free radicals gang up on a cell causing it to decay.
Antioxidants discourage the decay and death of our cells.
An Antioxidant is easy to understand when you think of them as a police and medical team standing by waiting to destroy those pesky damaging free radicals running around inside you that are doing damage to your cells.
Environmental factors like pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can spawn too many free radicals. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hears the word "spawn" and thinks of aliens. LOL. And that's what these particular Free Radicals are like. They are like those extreme protesters who often appear to have been spawned from aliens' and they do damage to everything around them attacking and sapping the life out of everything they come in contact with.
If you are free radical with a healthy purpose, you increase the value of life around you and you're a benefit and not a liability. Antioxidants repair damage and improve the function of your body that too many of these free radicals from our environment have caused.
Antioxidants enter your body when you eat foods that have nutrients in them like beta carotene, vitamins C, and E and selenium. (Selenium is a trace mineral that is an enzyme required only in small amounts for good health.) This classification group is called carotenoids and can be found in: Apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, cantaloupes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and the lycopene in tomatoes. Magnesium, copper and zinc are also good antioxidants
These nutrients can prevent damage to your body's cells or can repair damage that has already occurred from those damaging free radicals.
Think of antioxidants in your body like you would an apple that you slice and want to stop it from turning brown. Once you cut the apple it starts to brown, but if you dip it in orange juice or lemon juice which contains vitamin C, it stays white.
Antioxidants work by slowing or preventing the damage from oxygen that is caused by substances called free radicals that lead to cell dysfunction and problems like heart disease and diabetes.
So if Antioxidants are like a police and medical team to improve your overall health,
What are Free Radicals like?
(REMEMBER...Free radicals are present in all living cells and are a part of natural cell processes. But excessive free radicals in our body can attack the cell membranes which is the outer coating of our cells and cause cell and tissue damage.)
So..... Think of these large numbers of Free Radicals as extreme protesters. We all know that there is usually no harm done during a peaceful protest and having a few radicals running around a controlled situation can even be beneficial to bringing balance. But, if you have ever witnessed an extreme protest out of control I'm sure you have noticed the damage they caused to everything surrounding them. Too many free radicals can cause great harm to innocent bystanders and unbalance our entire way of life. Our cells are like those innocent bystanders that are damaged by extreme numbers of free radicals and without the help of the antioxidant police and medical team we can easily become sick as our bodies become unbalanced by the extreme number of these free radicals.
Our cells are the playing field that these extreme free radicals and antioxidants are fighting over. Our cells are made up of genetic material strands called DNA and an extreme number of free radicals in our body can actually break our DNA strands and allow diseases to enter our body. Normally, our body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, that's when damage can occur.
Free radical damage does accumulate with age. These free radicals can oxidize cholesterol and lead to plaques that may rupture causing heart attacks or stroke. On average every cell in your body comes under attack from a free radical once every ten seconds.
Eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts can supply all the antioxidants your body needs to repair or slow damages that occur in your cells.
Sorry... Gotta Run!!! Gotta go eat some fruit and veggies and lock up some extreme radicals that are running free!
First let me introduce you to the players and what they stand for.
In society everyone knows what a radical is. You may picture someone who is free to cause damage to society in order to get their point of view across. But too many of these free radicals can do great harm to our society by appearing in large numbers causing it to no longer function in a healthy way.
Our bodies do have some free radicals that arise normally during metabolism and sometimes our body's immune system even purposefully creates them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. But the problem comes when too many of these free radicals gang up on a cell causing it to decay.
Antioxidants discourage the decay and death of our cells.
An Antioxidant is easy to understand when you think of them as a police and medical team standing by waiting to destroy those pesky damaging free radicals running around inside you that are doing damage to your cells.
Environmental factors like pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can spawn too many free radicals. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hears the word "spawn" and thinks of aliens. LOL. And that's what these particular Free Radicals are like. They are like those extreme protesters who often appear to have been spawned from aliens' and they do damage to everything around them attacking and sapping the life out of everything they come in contact with.
If you are free radical with a healthy purpose, you increase the value of life around you and you're a benefit and not a liability. Antioxidants repair damage and improve the function of your body that too many of these free radicals from our environment have caused.
Antioxidants enter your body when you eat foods that have nutrients in them like beta carotene, vitamins C, and E and selenium. (Selenium is a trace mineral that is an enzyme required only in small amounts for good health.) This classification group is called carotenoids and can be found in: Apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, cantaloupes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and the lycopene in tomatoes. Magnesium, copper and zinc are also good antioxidants
These nutrients can prevent damage to your body's cells or can repair damage that has already occurred from those damaging free radicals.
Think of antioxidants in your body like you would an apple that you slice and want to stop it from turning brown. Once you cut the apple it starts to brown, but if you dip it in orange juice or lemon juice which contains vitamin C, it stays white.
Antioxidants work by slowing or preventing the damage from oxygen that is caused by substances called free radicals that lead to cell dysfunction and problems like heart disease and diabetes.
So if Antioxidants are like a police and medical team to improve your overall health,
What are Free Radicals like?
(REMEMBER...Free radicals are present in all living cells and are a part of natural cell processes. But excessive free radicals in our body can attack the cell membranes which is the outer coating of our cells and cause cell and tissue damage.)
So..... Think of these large numbers of Free Radicals as extreme protesters. We all know that there is usually no harm done during a peaceful protest and having a few radicals running around a controlled situation can even be beneficial to bringing balance. But, if you have ever witnessed an extreme protest out of control I'm sure you have noticed the damage they caused to everything surrounding them. Too many free radicals can cause great harm to innocent bystanders and unbalance our entire way of life. Our cells are like those innocent bystanders that are damaged by extreme numbers of free radicals and without the help of the antioxidant police and medical team we can easily become sick as our bodies become unbalanced by the extreme number of these free radicals.
Our cells are the playing field that these extreme free radicals and antioxidants are fighting over. Our cells are made up of genetic material strands called DNA and an extreme number of free radicals in our body can actually break our DNA strands and allow diseases to enter our body. Normally, our body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, that's when damage can occur.
Free radical damage does accumulate with age. These free radicals can oxidize cholesterol and lead to plaques that may rupture causing heart attacks or stroke. On average every cell in your body comes under attack from a free radical once every ten seconds.
Eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts can supply all the antioxidants your body needs to repair or slow damages that occur in your cells.
Sorry... Gotta Run!!! Gotta go eat some fruit and veggies and lock up some extreme radicals that are running free!
Grapefruit is Greeeeeaaatfruit!!!
Grapefruit, whose name means "fruit of paradise," is a relative of the orange. These fruits are categorized as red, pink or white by their interior color. While all colors of grapefruit carry a wealth of health benefits, red grapefruit may be the most beneficial of all.
Grapefruits also helps dissolve in-organic calcium that may have developed around your joints, so they are great if you have any joint pain or arthritis.
It aids in the digestion of your food because of its acidic properties. Eating half a grapefruit after a big meal is one of the best digestives aids available.
A half of a grapefruit contains only 36 calories!
Most of us are well aware of the weight loss benefits of grapefruit but there are so many other positive health benefits from eating grape fruit. Whether you eat it, drink its juice, or use a type of grapefruit seed extract will depend on what health condition you are trying to address.
Let's look at some of the other health benefits!
Vitamins and Minerals
Grapefruit is a wonderful source of vitamin A. One half of a grapefruit rings in at over half of your daily allowance at 6.4 percent. Vitamin A is necessary for healthy vision and for the maintenance of teeth, bones and soft tissue. Half of a grapefruit is 3.5 percent of your daily vitamin B5 which is needed by your body to metabolize proteins, fats and carbs. It is also a good source vitamin B9 crucial for brain function and production of genetic material such as DNA and RNA. It is full of potassium which is essential to heart function and to smooth muscle contraction.
Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system.
Vitamin C-rich foods like grapefruit may help reduce cold symptoms or severity of cold symptoms.
Vitamin C also prevents free radical damage and it is associated with reducing the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Adding grapefruit to your diet promotes heart health and helps to lower death risk from stroke and heart disease because it decreases inflammation, blood clotting, and acts as an anti-oxidant. Antioxidants discourage the decay and death of our cells.
Cancer Fighting Benefits:
Grapefruit contains limonoids, which are chemical compounds known to fight different types of cancers, and there are compounds in grapefruit pulp that can help prevent breast cancer.
Tobacco smoke contains cancer-causing agents that are activated by certain enzyme activity; this is reduced by daily consumption of grapefruit juice, which is a powerful anti-oxidant, which helps lower the risks of colon and lung cancers. The primary defense mechanism of the body against cancer is DNA repair, a process which is aided by Naringenin, a flavonoid concentrated in grapefruit. (Flavonoids healthy benefits include specifically antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatlet, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities. They add to the overall antioxidant part of our immune system.)
An antioxidant called lycopene which is found in grapefruit may have chemoprotective effects. In a clinical study published in the March 2005 issue of "International Journal of Cancer," researchers found that prostate cancer risk declined with increased consumption of lycopene.
Non-Toxic Remedies
Grapefruit seed extract is a safe, non-toxic remedy for a variety of different pesky conditions such as dandruff, warts, and corns. It works to eliminate head lice and mites when other products fail, and can even be used on pets for skin conditions such as mange, fleas or to treat certain infections. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) can also be used against water and food borne illnesses such as diarrhea and dysentery when traveling, and in the garden as a bug spray or to remove mold and fungus. Grapefruit benefits the skin, too, as a topical anti-acne remedy and aromatherapy agent. (As always, consult a physician before making significant changes to your diet or treatment.)
The Secret to Radiance Skin Health
Grapefruit for skin health is in part due to the fact that it is loaded with Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps renew tissue. When applied topically, grapefruit promotes healing of the skin, helps to diminish lines and wrinkles and can lessen damage from the sun by boosting your skin’s natural SPF. Free radicals in your skin are also decreased due to the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C.
Citrus Limonoids
Citrus limonoids found in grapefruit have been proven to develope a detoxifying enzyme that hinders the development of tumors and it assists the liver in excreting toxic compounds more easily. Some studies have shown that limonoids also aid in the fight against a multitude of cancers, including skin cancer. Citrus limonoids aid in heart health by lowering cholesterol and improving circulation which helps carry proper nutrients to the skin and is another reason grapefruit for skin health is so effective.
The reddish color found in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit varieties comes from a pigment called Lycopene. The Lycopene in grapefruit has the greatest potential power in fighting oxygen free radicals, which aids in prevention of cancer and protecting skin from UV damage.
Pectin Fiber
The soluble pectin fiber which is contained in grapefruit may slow down the development of atherosclerosis. Eating grapefruit can also lower blood levels of bad cholesterol called LDL as well as your levels of triglycerides which a form of fat that is linked to heart disease. In a clinical study published in the 2006 issue of "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry," researchers found that, although red grapefruit had higher antioxidant potential than white, both white and red grapefruit decreased serum lipid levels in coronary atherosclerosis patients.
Grapefruit for Weight Loss Boost
The important thing to remember when adding grapefruit to your daily diet is exactly how the grapefruit calories and other chemical properties work to aid weight loss. Do not use grapefruit consumption as a “crash diet” method; instead, incorporate this healthy, low-calorie fruit into your regular diet. Grapefruit are very healthy and should be a part of anyone’s diet, especially if they want to lose weight. Grapefruit is known to be high in fat burning enzymes and low in sodium. Adding grapefruit or grapefruit juice to your diet is proven to not only help you lose weight, but will also help your body expell excess water that can buildup as a result of a diet high in sodium. Experts recommend that you drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or consume half a grapefruit within thirty minutes of your meal for the best effects.
Grapefruit puts your Metabolism into overdrive! It’s important to increase the speed at which your body metabolizes food in order to lose weight. Grapefruit has a high water and fiber content, and when combined with specific acids and enzymes serves as a catalyst to get your internal organs working. Eating grapefruit jumpstarts your digestive system and also stops your body from dropping into starvation mode.
Insulin Reduction
Researchers agree that eating grapefruits for weight loss is effective. Many now believe that eating grapefruit lowers insulin levels in the blood and enables the body to use food for energy more efficiently. Type 2 diabetes patients are often givenlipid-lowering drugs designed to lessen the amount of insulin entering the bloodstream after meals. Naringenin which is contained in grapefruit is an antioxidant that seems to mimic these lipid lowering drugs by reducing the insulin in the bloodstream.
WOW! I'm soooo thirsty for some ice cold grapefruit juice!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Aaaaaaaa...loe vera
Yesssss...we all know that the ALOE VERA plant is useful to heal skin burns BUT...It is so much more than that.
(Talk to your doctor before drinking aloe vera juice to treat a medical conditions)You can enjoy Aloe Vera in PURE PLANT form, GEL, JUICE or WATER.
Aloe Vera JUICE is one of the most efficient ways to introduce the plant’s healing properties into your system. The juice helps fight inflamation, lowers blood pressure and promotes digestive health. It can do wonders for your digestive tract because it encourages the bowels to move and helps with elimination if a person is constipated.
It is known to reduce pain, assist your immune system & reduce anemia. Aloe Juice can help reduce the fatigue and headaches associated with anemia.
Try drinking aloe vera JUICE before a meal to stimulate your bone marrow, which creates red and white blood cells. Aloe vera juice boost your immune system. It can work wonders for people who have chronic immune disorders or people with painful disorders such as fibromyalgia. The Aloe vera plant has something in it called polysaccharides and it stimulates your white blood cells and they are responsible for fighting viruses.
It can help relieve Osteoarthritis,
Symptoms of osteoarthritis may be relieved with the topical application of pure aloe vera GEL, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis that typically strikes the hands, knees, hips, lower back and neck. Aloe vera gel act as an anti-inflammatory and may also encourage speedy healing of the affected joint. (info taken from
Psoriasis relief,
Pure aloe GEL can be applied to your skin to treat minor irritations and conditions such as psoriasis. Psoriasis is a disease that causes a rapid buildup of cells on the skins surface, resulting in thick, silver-colored scales and dry, itchy red patches. Although aloe vera gel is regarded as safe as a topical application. The Mayo Clinic says the use of aloe on surgical wounds may actually delay healing and should not be used on deep wounds or open sores.
Anti Wrinkle Skin Rejuvination,
Keep this wonderful plant in your house as a pure source of this skin-softening, antiwrinkle remedy on hand.
This plant is packed with active compounds that benefit the skin, such as mucopolysaccharides, which fight bacteria and help to rebuild new tissue, and flavonoid antioxidants to protect skin cells from damage. I personally have been cutting a slice off fresh every morning and evening and rubbing it on my clean dry face. It feels tight and clean. After it dries I add a little face cream to keep my face fresh and moist.
Acne Treatment,
It has been proven that aloe vera can be used to treat acne, with improvements seen in as little as one week. Acne sufferers can see a remarkable improvement by simply breaking an aloe vera leaf and applying the watery gel to the acne lesions. It should be noted that aloe vera does not "cure" acne, but it greatly reduces the swelling, inflammation and redness associated with acne. Further, if you use the aloe vera every day, it will help prevent acne outbreaks. In addition to treating acne
As an added BONUS,Aloe Vera JUICE encourages WEIGHT LOSS.
Aloe vera juice can be used to encourage gentle weight loss, according to the American Chronicle website drinking aloe juice stimulates your metabolism, which helps your body burn calories more quickly. It can reduce the amount of time food stays in your systen because it moves food through your digestive tract, (according to the site) giving your body less time to absorb calories from the foods you eat.
Thirsty for a Aloe Fruit drink? I'am !! Aloe Grape Juice
1-2 inch of fresh cut Aloe Vera
2 cups of water
1 cup of lemon juice
A big bunch of grapes with seeds (that’s about 30 grapes)
1TBLSP honey (optional)
Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!
This makes about three cups of juice.
*Because the aloe is very slippery it is hard to peel, but it’s important that you scrape only the transparent gel to eat because the fiberous green peel is tough and bitter.
Light and Lemony
1 Cucumber
1 Apple
1 Lemon
2 tbsp Aloe vera pulp
1. Blend the apple and the cucumber
2. Add the lemon juice
3. Cut open an aloe vera leaf...only as much as you want to cut for this drink so that the rest of the leaf stays fresh. (cut down one side and slice down the middle and open like a butterfly) than scoop out 2 tbsp of the pulp and add it to the mixture. Remember not to get any of the green leafy part. ;)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Avocado Bliss
Avocados are rich in vitamin A,(Vitamin A promotes healthy surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts.)
Avocados are also rich in vitamin C,(You need vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It helps the body make collagen which is a protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.
Avocados also give you Vitamin E (It is a fat-soluble vitamin, and an antioxidant which is a substance that may help prevent damage to the body's cells. It is important in helping your body make red blood cells, and Aids your body to use vitamin K.)
Avocados contains 30% more potassium than bananas. That high amount of potassium helps regulate blood pressure and prevent circulatory diseases.
Avocado also contain carotenoid lutein which keeps the eyes safe from oxidative stress, macular degeneration, and cataracts.
Because they are rich in antioxidants, avocados are useful in preventing aging symptoms. The glutathione in avocado boosts immune systems, slows the aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.
AND...believe it or not, Avocados are very effective in stopping bad breath. (It also reduces the risk of oral cancer.)
Now that you know the awesome benifits of this wonderful fruit, why not look up some creative ways to use it. I will list a few to get you started so that you can see its worth more than just guacamole.
Avacado Uses:
I have replaced mayo with mashed up Avacado on all meat sandwiches.
I also like to slice it up on BLTs (turkey bacon of course lol)
Avocados are also rich in vitamin C,(You need vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It helps the body make collagen which is a protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.
Avocados also give you Vitamin E (It is a fat-soluble vitamin, and an antioxidant which is a substance that may help prevent damage to the body's cells. It is important in helping your body make red blood cells, and Aids your body to use vitamin K.)
Avocados contains 30% more potassium than bananas. That high amount of potassium helps regulate blood pressure and prevent circulatory diseases.
Avocado also contain carotenoid lutein which keeps the eyes safe from oxidative stress, macular degeneration, and cataracts.
Because they are rich in antioxidants, avocados are useful in preventing aging symptoms. The glutathione in avocado boosts immune systems, slows the aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.
AND...believe it or not, Avocados are very effective in stopping bad breath. (It also reduces the risk of oral cancer.)
Now that you know the awesome benifits of this wonderful fruit, why not look up some creative ways to use it. I will list a few to get you started so that you can see its worth more than just guacamole.
Avacado Uses:
I have replaced mayo with mashed up Avacado on all meat sandwiches.
I also like to slice it up on BLTs (turkey bacon of course lol)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Greek yogurt vs Regular yogurt
Yogurt is considered one of the healthiest foods around. It's rich in probiotics which aid digestion, it reduces the risk of intestinal infection and colon cancer, and improves lactose tolerance. It also improves cholesterol levels by lowering bad Cholesterol and raising good Cholesterol.
Fat-free yogurt is rich in both calcium and protein, an important combination to include in any type of weight control. Calcium promotes the breakdown of body fat, stokes the metabolism, and helps build and support strong bones. Protein helps build muscle and staves off hunger, helping prevent feelings of hunger between meals.
Regular yogurt is not as thick as Greek yogurt because the whey has not been strained out of it. Greek yogurt is thicker because the liquid whey has been strained out of it. Both strained and unstrained yogurt is very good for you, but there are some nutritional differences. When the liquid whey is strained from regular yogurt, the volume of the yogurt reduces by half. That means it's more concentrated and results in some nutritional changes.
let's check out the differences:
Protein - Greek yogurt has twice the protein of regular yogurt, because the protein is concentrated in the yogurt after it's strained.
Carbohydrates - Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates, because the liquid that is strained out of it is high in carbs.
Sodium - Greek yogurt has half the sodium of regular yogurt, because the liquid that is strained out of it is high in sodium.
Calcium - Both yogurts are considered a good source of calcium, but regular yogurt has 3 times more calcium than Greek yogurt, because the liquid that is strained out of Greek yogurt is high in Calcium.
Strained (Greek) yogurt is a healthy substitute for sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. It's creamier, thicker consistency makes it a better substitution in dips and dressings. Strained yogurt is also better for cooking because it doesn't curdle when it's heated; regular yogurt can curdle when heated.
Greek yogurt does tend to be more expensive, so lucky for us we can make our own very easily.
regular yogurt - whole, low, or no fat
metal mesh strainer or colander
large bowl
cheese cloth, or paper coffee filters
Line strainer (or colander) with cheese cloth ( paper coffee filters). Place strainer over a large bowl, making sure there is space between the bottom of the strainer and the bottom of the bowl to catch drips. Pour yogurt into strainer. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator until liquid has dripped out to desired consistency.
--drain for 1 hour to remove 20% of the liquid.
--drain for 3-4 hours to remove half of the liquid.
--drain overnight (8 hours or so) to remove all of the liquid. (closest to consistency of sour cream)
Use strained yogurt to substitute for sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. And...because Greek yogurt is more expensive to buy, why not make your own and add your favorite fruit to it.
Fat-free yogurt is rich in both calcium and protein, an important combination to include in any type of weight control. Calcium promotes the breakdown of body fat, stokes the metabolism, and helps build and support strong bones. Protein helps build muscle and staves off hunger, helping prevent feelings of hunger between meals.
Regular yogurt is not as thick as Greek yogurt because the whey has not been strained out of it. Greek yogurt is thicker because the liquid whey has been strained out of it. Both strained and unstrained yogurt is very good for you, but there are some nutritional differences. When the liquid whey is strained from regular yogurt, the volume of the yogurt reduces by half. That means it's more concentrated and results in some nutritional changes.
let's check out the differences:
Protein - Greek yogurt has twice the protein of regular yogurt, because the protein is concentrated in the yogurt after it's strained.
Carbohydrates - Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates, because the liquid that is strained out of it is high in carbs.
Sodium - Greek yogurt has half the sodium of regular yogurt, because the liquid that is strained out of it is high in sodium.
Calcium - Both yogurts are considered a good source of calcium, but regular yogurt has 3 times more calcium than Greek yogurt, because the liquid that is strained out of Greek yogurt is high in Calcium.
Strained (Greek) yogurt is a healthy substitute for sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. It's creamier, thicker consistency makes it a better substitution in dips and dressings. Strained yogurt is also better for cooking because it doesn't curdle when it's heated; regular yogurt can curdle when heated.
Greek yogurt does tend to be more expensive, so lucky for us we can make our own very easily.
regular yogurt - whole, low, or no fat
metal mesh strainer or colander
large bowl
cheese cloth, or paper coffee filters
Line strainer (or colander) with cheese cloth ( paper coffee filters). Place strainer over a large bowl, making sure there is space between the bottom of the strainer and the bottom of the bowl to catch drips. Pour yogurt into strainer. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator until liquid has dripped out to desired consistency.
--drain for 1 hour to remove 20% of the liquid.
--drain for 3-4 hours to remove half of the liquid.
--drain overnight (8 hours or so) to remove all of the liquid. (closest to consistency of sour cream)
Use strained yogurt to substitute for sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. And...because Greek yogurt is more expensive to buy, why not make your own and add your favorite fruit to it.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Oolong/wulong Tea
All tea comes from one plant Camellia Sinensis if it doesn't come from that plant it is not tea (herbs come from a variety of plants).
The difference in green tea and oolong tea is the processing. All tea is green when its picked. Green tea is heated in order to stop the natural oxidation of the leaf. When its dried green tea leaves are rolled to break the cell structure. But when Oolong tea leaves are picked they are kept under carefully controlled conditions and allowed to oxidize. Their leaves are not broken, leaving most of the cell structure intact. These processing differences make each category of tea beneficially different even though they come from the same plant.
The dark brownish color of oolong tea is a bit different than normal tea. The use of Oolong/wulong tea has many benefits such as reducing cholesterol, heart attacks, and other problems. The facts about the Oolong tea health benefits are incredible and one more benifit of this tea is that it helps you to loose weight!
Oolong tea also benifits your immune system and is a big essential to longevity. Aside from containing powerful anti-oxidants, it also contains essential minerals including Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Potassium and many others.
Oolong teas taste great and are delicious hot or cold.
There is a tremendous variety of affordable oolong teas.
Enjoy a cup of oolong 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to your walk, workout or yoga session and reap the rewards!
Drink oolong in the afternoon to stave off late day sweet cravings and energy slumps.
All of these aid in healthy weight loss and maintenance.
The difference in green tea and oolong tea is the processing. All tea is green when its picked. Green tea is heated in order to stop the natural oxidation of the leaf. When its dried green tea leaves are rolled to break the cell structure. But when Oolong tea leaves are picked they are kept under carefully controlled conditions and allowed to oxidize. Their leaves are not broken, leaving most of the cell structure intact. These processing differences make each category of tea beneficially different even though they come from the same plant.
The dark brownish color of oolong tea is a bit different than normal tea. The use of Oolong/wulong tea has many benefits such as reducing cholesterol, heart attacks, and other problems. The facts about the Oolong tea health benefits are incredible and one more benifit of this tea is that it helps you to loose weight!
Oolong tea also benifits your immune system and is a big essential to longevity. Aside from containing powerful anti-oxidants, it also contains essential minerals including Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Potassium and many others.
Oolong teas taste great and are delicious hot or cold.
There is a tremendous variety of affordable oolong teas.
Enjoy a cup of oolong 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to your walk, workout or yoga session and reap the rewards!
Drink oolong in the afternoon to stave off late day sweet cravings and energy slumps.
All of these aid in healthy weight loss and maintenance.
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